You Control YOU….!

Aug 18, 2016

Last night me and my husband took a coffee break during our daily studies. As I cannot remain silent more than a minute or so, I started chattering about an article which I read about a person who blamed Indian culture for his crime and he was innocent.

While this was just an incident which was brought into notice, we come across so many similar people around us in our day to day life which either get unnoticed or ignored. At some point in time we all victims of this syndrome. We come across people who always complain about others or the situation. “I was right but things went wrong with me or situation forced me to make such mistakes or the people around me failed to support..blah..blah…”

We are solely responsible for everything that happens to us. Neither the circumstances nor the people. It all depends on how you control situation or how well you would have handled the situation before it could go wrong. Be bold enough to accept the failure and learn from them.

Let us nurture our thought process and the way we deal with situations or react to it… and help our friends around us who are struggling too!

